

From January 30, 2025 until February 02, 2025

У Салоніках - Міжнародна виставка в Салоніках, Makedonia Thraki, Греція

Опубліковано Canton Fair Net


Categories: ІТ та технології

Ключові слова: Поголів'я худоби, Птах, м'ясо, Кадр

Переглядів: 5897

- Zootechnia Expo

13th International Exhibition for Livestock & Poultry. Zootechnia, with the momentum of its previous edition, launches the 2025 edition to prepare the market for animal husbandry's most modern market. The event will bring together specialized companies, stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as interested professionals, both in Greece and abroad, to foster information sharing, foster connections and discover new market opportunities.

Субота 10:00-20:00.

Міжнародний виставковий та конгрес-центр Салонік.

Registration is required for all interested professionals to gain free entry.

The 12th International Trade Fair on Livestock & Poultry 'Zootechnia’ is a dynamic start to a new exhibition year.ttt31/01/2023.

The 12th ZOOTECHNIA will host the most important livestock and poultry sector meeting, which will take place from 2-5 Febraury.ttt26/01/2023.

The 12th Zootechnia will be held from February 2-5, 2023ttt22/11/2022.

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